Diabetes and foot problems

Diabetes can cause damage to the nerves and the blood supply and this puts the health of your feet at risk of complications. The nerve damage caused by diabetes is called Peripheral Neuropathy and poor circulation in your feet is called Peripheral Arterial Disease.

High blood glucose levels over time can cause nerve damage which makes it hard for people with diabetes to feel sensation in their feet. This lack of sensation can mean that you might not feel it if you have injured your feet.

Diabetes leads to changes in the blood vessels, including arteries. This reduces blood flow to the hands and feet. Without enough blood supply, you may have problems with wound healing, cramps and pain in your legs or feet. Severe infections may even lead to amputation.

If you have diabetes, it’s important you check your feet regularly and talk to your GP or healthcare professional about any changes and concerns you may observe

The Foot Forward program

Australia has the second highest rate of diabetes related amputations in the developed world. Across geographic regions, rates vary more than 10-fold, and are particularly high in rural and remote settings, and among Indigenous Australians.

Foot Forward provides information, education and support resources and activities for both people with diabetes and health professionals and health workers, to help support early identification, early referral, early and optimal treatment and prevention of diabetes -elated foot problems and amputations.

Our Partners

Foot Forward is an information and education program, funded by the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS), an initiative of the Australian Government.

Foot Forward is delivered in partnership by Diabetes Australia and the Australian Diabetes Society.


More resources to support your journey to healthy feet

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